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Use Microsoft's ImageList ActiveX Control to Play with Pictures

An ImageList control contains a collection of images that can be used by other Windows Common Controls — specifically, the ListView, TreeView, TabStrip, and Toolbar controls. For example, the ImageList control can store all the images that appear on a Toolbar control's buttons.

Using the ImageList control as a single repository saves you development time by allowing you to write code that refers to a single, consistent catalog of images. Instead of writing code that loads bitmaps or icons (using the LoadPicture function), you can populate the ImageList once, assign Key values if you wish, and write code that uses the Key or Index properties to refer to images.

Note: This article uses RadVC 1.2 or later

Also: See the sample using MS ImageList ActiveX control here


The control uses bitmap (.bmp), cursor (.cur), icon (.ico), JPEG (.jpg), or GIF (.gif) files in a collection of ListImage objects. You can add and remove images at design time or run time. The ListImage object has the standard collection object properties: Key and Index. It also has standard methods, such as Add, Remove, and Clear.

Finally, the control features the Overlay, Draw, and ExtractIcon methods, which allow you to create composite images, draw images on objects using device context (using CDC class) and create an icon from a bitmap stored in the control.

Possible Uses

  • To store the images that represent open folders, closed folders, and documents. These images can then be dynamically assigned to the TreeView control's Node object to represent its different states as it expands or collapses, or whether or not it is a document or a folder.
  • To store images that represent common computer operations, such as saving, opening, and printing files. These images can then be assigned to Button objects on a Toolbar control used by your application.
  • To store images for drag-and-drop operations, such as MousePointer icons, and DragIcons.


Inserting ImageList Control into Your Project

Right-click on the RadVC toolbox and select the menuitem "Insert ActiveX Control". This will display the ActiveX control selection dialog. Scroll down the list of the ActiveX controls available in your system and select the item "Microsoft ImageList Control, version 6.0", as shown below.

ImageListAxSelection.jpg (35240 bytes)

Once you insert the control in your project by clicking on "OK", RadVC generates 3 wrapper classes for the control in your project. These are:

CRAxImagelistctrl in files Imagelistctrl.h and Imagelistctrl.cpp implements the control
CRAxImages in files rImages.h and rImages.cpp implements ListImages collection
CRAxImage in files rImage.h and rImage.cpp implements ListImage object

Managing ListImage Objects and ListImages Collections

The ImageList control contains the ListImages collection of ListImage objects, each of which can be referred to by its Index or Key property value. You can add or remove images to the control at design time or run time.

Adding ListImage Objects at Design Time

To add an image to at design time, use the ImageList control's Property Pages dialog box.

To add ListImage objects at design time

  1. Click on the browse button [with caption "...", next to the control name edit box] on the property window.
  2. Click the Images tab to display the ImageList control's Property Pages, as shown below.

    ImageList control Property Pages dialog box

    ImageListProps.jpg (23776 bytes)

  4. Click Insert Picture to display the Select Picture dialog box.
  5. Use the dialog box to find either bitmap or icon files, and click Open.
  6. Note You can select multiple bitmap or icon files.

  7. Assign a unique Key property setting by clicking in the Key box and typing a string.
  8. Optional. Assign a Tag property setting by clicking in the Tag box and typing a string. The Tag property doesn't have to be unique.
  9. Repeat steps 3 through 6 until you have populated the control with the desired images.


Adding ListImage Objects at Run Time

To add an image at run time, use the Add method for the ListImages collection in conjunction with the LoadPicture function. The following example occurs in a form's Load event; an ImageList control named "imlImages" is loaded with a single bitmap:

void CForm1::Form_Load()
	m_AxImagelistctrl1.ListImages.Add(NULL, _V("City"), _VR(IDB_CITY));

Here the first parameter is always NULL ("Index" of the image).

The second parameter ["City"] is the "key" to the image to be added. Assigning a unique Key property value to the ListImage object allows you to create code that is easier to read. When assigning the image to a property, you can use its Key value instead of its Index value.

The 3rd parameter loads a picture for the image item. Here IDB_CITY is a bitmap ID saved in the resource of your project. You can use "Resource-on-the-Fly" technology to add or select bitmap resource in your project.

The keyword "_V" and "_VR" are used to make VARIANTs used by "Add" function.

You can use the inserted image later on by calling GetItem() function.

CRAxImage rImage = m_AxImagelistctrl1.ListImages..GetItem(_VS(2));

[_VS makes a short number to VARIANT]

Determining Image Sizes

You can insert any size image into the ImageList control. However, the size of the image displayed by the second control depends on one factor: whether or not the second control is also a Windows Common control bound to the ImageList control.

When the ImageList control is bound to another Windows Common Control, images of different sizes can be added to the control, however the size of the image displayed in the associated Windows Common Control will be constrained to the size of the first image added to the ImageList. For example, if you add an image that is 16 by 16 pixels to an ImageList control, then bind the ImageList to a TreeView control (to be displayed with Node objects), all images stored in the ImageList control will be displayed at 16 by 16 pixels, even if they are much larger or smaller.

On the other hand, if you display images using the Picture object, any image stored in the ImageList control will be displayed at its original size, no matter how small or large.


Note An exception is when you use an image from the ImageList control with the Image control. Setting the Image control's Stretch property to True will cause the image to resize to fit the control.

At design time, you can specify the height and width, in pixels, of images in the control by choosing a size from the General tab of the ImageList control's Property Pages dialog box. You can choose a predetermined size, or click Custom and set the image size by typing the size you desire in the Height and Width boxes. This can only be done when the ImageList contains no images. Attempting to change the size after the control contains images will result in an error.

Methods That Allow You to Create Composite Images

You can use the ImageList control to create a composite image (a picture object) from two images by using the Overlay method in conjunction with the MaskColor property. For example, if you have an "international no" image (a circle with a diagonal bar inside it), you can lay that image over any other image, as shown:

wpe6.jpg (5126 bytes)

The syntax for the Overlay method requires two arguments. The first argument specifies the underlying image; the second argument specifies the image that overlays the first. Both arguments can be either the Index or the Key property of a ListImage object.

Thus the code to achieve the effect above is as follows:

// Assuming the first image's Key is "smokes", and the second is "no".
m_AxImagelistctrl1.MaskColor = RGB(0, 255, 0);
CROlePicture pic = m_AxImagelistctrl1.Overlay(_V("smokes"),_V("no"));

The code example above also illustrates how the MaskColor property works. In brief, the MaskColor property specifies the color which will become transparent when an image is overlaid over another. The "no" image has a green background color. Thus, when the code specifies that the MaskColor will be RGB(0, 255, 0) (an intrinsic constant), the green in the image becomes transparent in the composite image.






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