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RadVC 6 F.A.Q.

(Frequently Asked Questions)

If you have any general type of technical question regarding installation or usability issues, We recommend you to visit our Tutorial Section first.

Please contact us if you do not find the answer to your question in Tutorial or F.A.Q. areas.


bullet The default toolbar displayed by RadVC (shown on the left) does not include anyWin32 control (e.g. Slider control, TreeView control etc.). How may I insert these controls in RadVC IDE?
bullet Do I need to have Visual Basic (or VBA) installed in my computer to get RadVC working?
bullet I have heard that applications written in Visual Basic is less efficient compared to those written in Visual C++. Do I need to be concerned about any performance issue while I develop my application using RadVC tool.
bullet If I close the RAD toolbox, I can't get it back. What should I do to get it back?
bullet Will Visual Studio.NET have RAD support in its Visual C++ product?
bullet I have been a   die-hard Visual C++ programmer for a number of years. So I feel uneasy when someone asks me to program VC++ in VB way. Are you guys out there to destroy the traditional VC culture?


The default toolbar displayed by RadVC (shown on the left) does not include anyWin32 control (e.g. Slider control, TreeView control etc.). How may I insert these controls in RadVC IDE?

Like VB, you can use Win32 controls as ActiveX controls. Please look at our Tutorial Section to learn how you can insert ActiveX controls in your project in RadVC mode.

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Do I need to have Visual Basic (or VBA) installed in my computer to get RadVC working?

No, absolutely not. RadVC is an independent software module that works inside Microsoft Developer Studio. Although its user interface resembles a lot to Visual Basic’s UI, but the code it generates is 100% Visual C++ code. It DOES NOT depend on any Visual Basic or VBA type script language to let the user code in "VB - way", nor it uses Visual Basic to display VB-like user interface. In short, everything remains "Visual C++ " when you use RadVC…it simply makes your C++ coding a lot easier.

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I have heard that applications written in Visual Basic is less efficient compared to those written in Visual C++. Do I need to be concerned about any performance issue while I develop my application using RadVC tool.

Again, although RadVC lets you program in a Visual Basic like environment, it does not generate any Visual Basic code. Since it generates pure C++ code, the app created using RadVC tools should have the same performance as that created using traditional Visual C++ environment.

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If I close the RAD toolbox, I can't get it back. What should I do to get it back?

This also happens if you close other RadVC windows, e.g. property and project windows. If you close them, the easiest way to get them beck is by toggling once between RadVC and VC mode. Clicking on the left-most RadVC toolbar button twice will get all RadVC windows back. (Future RadVC release will have a more intuitive way to accomplish this.)

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Will Visual Studio.NET have RAD support in its Visual C++ product?

No. Visual Studio.NET does not have any RAD support in its Visual C++ product. However, various tool windows seen in the Visual C++ 6.0 are rearranged in different locations within the Visual Studio.NET IDE so that they provide consistent look with other Visual Studio products.

Walter Sullivan, the lead program manager for Visual C++ (MFC / ATL), has recently commented on this issue in a newsgroup post:

"There is no RAD designer for MFC/ATL. The Wizard/Resource Editor combination of tools is quite similar to V6. The Class Wizard has been ripped apart into various locations around the IDE."


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I have been a   die-hard Visual C++ programmer for a number of years. So I feel uneasy when someone asks me to program VC++ in VB way. Are you guys out there to destroy the traditional VC culture?

Oops! that sounds like a pure religious question. Contrary to your belief, we actually love VC the way you do. In fact RadVC (and RFC of course) was written in Visual C++. But hey, RadVC is simply an Add-On, it is NOT a replacement of VC IDE; similarly RFC is not there to replace MFC, it is merely an extension library of MFC. Nobody is asking no one to depart from the traditional way of doing VC programming. You can (and will) still be doing a lot of grunt work using VC's powerful tools and heavy duty MFC classes, RadVC is only there to help your coding and designing faster. In doing so, you are not loosing the performance of the application you write, nor do you need to move from VC to VB camp. At the end, it is you who wins.

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