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(Frequently Asked Questions)

If you have any general type of technical question regarding installation or usability issues, We recommend you to visit our Tutorial Section first.

Please contact us if you do not find the answer to your question in Tutorial or F.A.Q. areas.




Will Visual Studio.NET have RAD support in its Visual C++ product?

No. Visual Studio.NET does not have any RAD support in its Visual C++ product. However, various tool windows seen in the Visual C++ 6.0 are rearranged in different locations within the Visual Studio.NET IDE so that they provide consistent look with other Visual Studio products.

Walter Sullivan, the lead program manager for Visual C++ (MFC / ATL), has recently commented on this issue in a newsgroup post:

"There is no RAD designer for MFC/ATL. The Wizard/Resource Editor combination of tools is quite similar to V6. The Class Wizard has been ripped apart into various locations around the IDE."


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