Benefits of Creating RAD C++ Controls in a MFC Extension Library: (1) More than one RAD C++ controls can be packaged in on library
(2) Since the libraries are in binary format, you can
hide important implementation details, yet allowing the users of your library to extend
the control features through implementation inheritance.
How To Create a RAD MFC C++ Control
In order to create RAD C++ controls in a MFC extension
Dll, you should start a Visual C++ project using "MFC AppWizard(dll) option (figure

Once you create the skeleton project, follow the steps
described in the CDK create or insert new
RAD C++ controls in the project. (Note: to export the control classes, you need to add
"AFX_EXT_CLASS" directive in the control class declaration. Thus, the
"Circle" control class declaration ( described in the CDK tutorial) should look
as follows:
- class AFX_EXT_CLASS CCircle : public CWnd
- {
- ..
- ..
- };
Once you finish creating the controls in the library,
create a setup program using RadVC's "Single
Click Setup" option. In the "RadVC Archiving Utility" window, You
should do the following:
(1) Remove the implementation files (e.g. .cpp, .rc etc)
using the '-' button
(2) Add the library (.lib) and dll (.dll) files using '+'
(3) Add additional control class declaration files (.h)
using using '+' button.

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